New logic for a cleaner planet

Nature operates in cycles where loss and waste doesn’t exist—everything is regenerative and circular. To achieve this level of sustainability in human systems, complexity must be managed by a new circularity intelligence, using AI to enable real-time adaptation to changing conditions and demands.

With our new logic for circularity, we are setting new standards in resource utilization. PROLOGA develops intelligent technologies and innovative processes to transform loss into value. We enable businesses to use energy and raw materials more efficiently, minimize waste, and close sustainable material loops. Together, we lay the foundation for a circular and regenerative future.

Let’s talk about how we do it

The route to a cleaner planet is in seeing how to value ‘loss’ differently.

SEE with greater

See a wider range of data across the complete lifecycle and get a clearer view of where value is being created and lost.

SEE the lost value in energy & waste that others miss

See the value of every material element in your lifecycle, quantify zero-loss and build the case for circularity.

SEE how to create new value from these lost opportunities

See opportunities for process innovation and product design to take advantage of new material value.


    lifecycles towards zero-loss and faster value transition

    lost value, recapture resources and close new material loops

    your market and set the standard for new levels of circular productivity

lifecycles towards zero-loss and faster value transition

  • See your lifecycle with greater intelligence and enhanced value potential.
  • Extract a wider range of data across the complete lifecycle to get a clearer view of actual value, missing potential value, and where value is being lost.
  • Quantify losses in energy and waste that others miss and calculate the impact.
  • Quantify the value of every material element in your lifecycle, evaluate the impact of new or transitional by-products and build the case for circularity.
  • Design new products and processes with deep insight of new/lost material value.
  • Adjust process innovation and product/contract design to take advantage of new material value in production & lifecycle management accelerated by AI.

lost value, recapture resources and close new material loops

  • Identify full value potential of energy/waste and sources of loss and replenishment
  • Establish new sources of material value and connect a circular sourcing lifecycle that reduces loss, extracts higher value, and drives continuous replenishment
  • Reconfigure production to recapture and reuse lost value, and create new value
  • Standardize, systematize and automate circular production, capture lost value, accelerate the shift to new value and create faster value feedback loops
Value Release
  • Reinvent value release to store, deliver and sustain resources with recycling and collection
  • Expanded lifecycle that connects distribution with sourcing and confirms circularity value by rewarding more recycling and collecting localized production

your market and set the standard for new levels of circular productivity

Your numbers
  • Reshape your income profile with a materially enhanced forecast and business plan
  • Study new income realised, changing costs of production/ operation and new profitability, create revised plans and new economic forecast models


Your model
  • Review & remodel material value adding multipliers through tiered investment
  • Analyze and compare business performance, establish new value thresholds, and plan value transition multipliers through tiered investments in innovation
Your Organization
  • Accelerate organization-wide replication,
    productivity and industry-wide publication.
  • Replicate learning, productivity and new practices across your organization – publish findings to pioneer new industry standards that lead the market.
Do you still have any questions?

We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with us directly and we’ll answer all your questions and keep you updated.

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Your contact person for all career questions Sarah Noske Recruiting

+49 345 5554-221
